As is the case with most things, getting the right balance between splurging and saving is going to get you the best results when you work on a kitchen remodel. If you go tight budget throughout, you won’t get the results that will give you the best return on your investment. If you go too loose with your budget, you may get partially done only to realize you are out of cash. The best thing to do is set up a plan right at the beginning for what you will do on a shoe-string and where you’ll plunk those extra dollars for maximum benefit.
- Save – You can find great deals on lighting, flooring, and tile that look as though you spent a lot more on them. The great thing is that there are thousands of styles, so you can get a unique result even though you are using an economical product. Take the time to shop around and start watching for sales. This is not to say you can’t select some high-end products for a specific area of your kitchen remodel for that extra pop.
- Splurge – First of all, never skimp on those things that are important safety improvements. Take care of issues such as ventilation and mold remediation if these are problems. If you are opening up a wall, be sure to have a professional ascertain if it is load-bearing before you get started with the demo. The best place to splurge is on cabinets and countertops. Going basic here will cost you in the long run when they don’t last.
When it comes to getting the most from your cabinets and countertops, talk to us at The Gallery of Stone. We offer competitive pricing, so your splurge won’t take such a bite out of your budget. We can also help design your space creatively, so you get maximum storage and functionality. Stop by our showroom to see the many options for getting the kitchen remodel results you desire.